We choose a new ChariTEA (Charity - see what we did there!) every quarter which is close to our hearts. The ChariTEA is nominated by one of our Teabirds, they then choose a tea blend that reflects them or what they support & we donate the profits of the blend to their wonderful cause!
This quarter (Apr - Jun 2024 ) our chosen ChariTEA is 'Hospice UK' - a charity focused on supporting the amazing work of the hundreds of hospices for adults & children across the United Kingdom.
They were nominated by Georgina, our Partnerships Manager, who is deeply passionate about forming close partnerships with ChariTEAs who represent causes that many within our community will have come into contact with & been supported by.
Hospice UK is the national charity for hospice and end of life care. We work to ensure everyone affected by death, dying and grief gets the care & support they need, when they need it.
Dying Matters is a campaign run by Hospice UK. We work with organisations, decision makers and the public to make things better for people who are dying or grieving.
Right now we don’t have the right language to talk about death. This means that not everyone gets the support that suits them as they approach the end of life. We want to see a world where people live well until the very end.
At the heart of Hospice UK’s mission are the 200+ local hospices across the UK who provide outstanding care & support for 300,000 adults & children every year. Hospice UK works hard to make sure that our hospices can survive and thrive in these challenging times.
Jo & Jay:

[Jay and Jo renewing their wedding vows, near the end of Jay’s life (image: Jo Goodwin-Worton)]
In 2019, Jo & Jay were living a happy, ‘normal’ life with their two sons when Jay was diagnosed with stage four gastro oesophageal cancer.
Months of gruelling treatment followed, but Jay just didn’t get better.
When Jay could no longer walk, the incredible team at Douglas Macmillan Hospice stepped in to coordinate everything. Jo says the hospice were “absolutely phenomenal…they were just brilliant."
The hospice team took Jo’s stress away, so that she could focus on what was important: Jay.
The hospice’s support facilitated a ‘good death’ for Jay & made sure that in the saddest of times, the family could treasure the memories of those days.
They supported the family after Jay’s death, & offered lots of different kinds of groups and services that Jo and their sons, just 18 & 20, could go to.
Jo adds, “it was tough on all of us but having that support meant we felt like we weren't on our own."
Read Jo & Jay’s full story here.

You can help support and fight for hospice care by sharing posts on social media, donating to help support more people like Jo and Jay, or take on a challenge.
You could also get involved in Dying Matters Awareness Week just by having a conversation! See details below.
Find out more about showing your support for hospice care.
Can you help Hospice UK fight for hospice care, for all, for now and forever? Donate now.
In total, we have raised £4014 for Hospice UK!
Throughout the ChariTEA partnership, Bird & Blend Tea Co. are supporting Hospice UK and their campaign, Dying Matters, by providing lots of free tea, to their London Marathon runners for example, and donating mixology gift vouchers.
2nd May 2024
Hospice UK will be taking over the Bird & Blend Instagram account, where you’ll be able to learn more about the important work that they do – keep your eyes peeled!
6th – 12th May 2024
Dying Matters Awareness Week
Every year, people around the UK use Hospice UK’s ‘Dying Matters Awareness Week’ as a moment to encourage all communities to get talking about death and dying in whatever way, shape or form works for them.
As our ChariTEA partner, Bird & Blend are helping support this special week, and helping people start honest, open conversations – all with the help of a lovely cuppa. The first 20 awareness week events are being sent a fabulous box of free tea to help get them talking! For more information on what Dying Matters Awareness Week is, and how you can get involved, click here.