What is ChariTEA?
We choose a new ChariTEA (Charity - see what we did there!) every quarter which is close to our hearts. The ChariTEA is nominated by one of our Teabirds, they then choose a tea blend that reflects them or what they support and we donate the profits of the blend to their wonderful cause!

During April - June 2022 our chosen ChariTEA was 'Therapy Dogs Nationwide' - a national charity where visiting volunteers take their own dogs into establishments such as hospitals, schools, and prisons to provide comfort, distraction, and stimulation. We raised for them £4255.99!
'I am absolutely blown away by the donation you are passing to TDN and I cannot explain how much of a difference this will make to us. We feel privileged to have been a part of your Chari-Tea quarter and thoroughly enjoyed our visits with you. A huge huge thank you! I can’t wipe the smile off of my face! Your help towards TDN is just amazing!' - Therapy Dogs Nationwide
How did 'Therapy Dogs Nationwide' become our ChariTEA of the Quarter?
Our Teabird Georgina nominated the charity and here is what she has to say about why she is so passionate about supporting them.

Who are 'Therapy Dogs Nationwide'?
Therapy Dogs Nationwide is a charity run by volunteers for volunteers and was co-founded in 2016 by Eileen Hodge and Eileen Slattery to provide access to therapy dogs for those who need it in care homes, hospitals, schools, and other establishments requiring comfort and care. There are many people behind the scenes making things run smoothly including Trustee Leisl, Aimme the Administrative Consultant, Elena in Volunteer and Wellbeing Support, as well as volunteer humans and dogs from all over the UK!
What they do and how they do it?

Our volunteers have the unique privilege of volunteering with their own temperament tested Therapy Dogs; some with over 10 years of experience and always focused on benefiting people in the community. Using animals, especially dogs as therapy is not a new idea, they have been used for over 40 years in experience in the care sector and a lot of our volunteers have roots with Lesley Scott-Ordish who was a pioneer in visiting with taking your own pet dog to nursing homes.
The benefits of Animal Assisted Therapies (AAT) have been extensively studied and results range from improvement in general health and wellbeing, increased confidence levels, improved and controlled movement to improved communication skills.
Volunteers and Therapy Dogs work with a wide group of people within the community. Our work in residential care homes has improved communication in residents and patients by evoking memories and stimulating conversation. Our dogs have also shown to help with special needs and autistic children and adults by giving focus and providing a calming environment.
We regularly visit local hospitals and hospices where patients and staff interact with our dogs and look forward to their visits
How are we supporting them?
Did you know April is National Pet Month? 🐕 So we're very excited to be kicking off our support for Therapy Dogs Nationwide this month by hosting the following paw-some events:
🐶 Dog Tea Party @ The Nest in Worthing - 18th May
🐶 Therapy Dog Awareness Days in our stores to a chance to meet & greet some real Therapy Dogs and learn about what they do (Dates TBC)
🐶 A social media take over on April 11th which is National Pet Day!
And some of our very own Bird & Blend Teabird's have volunteered with TDN:
🐕 Hannah with her dog Digby
🐕 Danielle with her dog Gatsby
For up to date announcements on the above events, how to get involved, and anything else we might be brewing up, check out our social media channels.

We Had a Doggy Tea Party! 🎉
If there’s two things to know about B&B it’s that:
1. We love tea ☕
2. We LOVE dogs!!
So it was our greatest honour to throw a Dog Tea Party in aid of our ChariTEA of the Quarter, Therapy Dogs Nationwide 🐶
This party had everything a good Dog Tea Party should have: afternoon tea, plenty of cuppas for the humans (of course!), puppuccinos for the puppies, and lots of dogs!!

Teadogs Arlo, Otis, Pippin & Clemmy thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
The tea was flowing, the weather was beautiful, the puppuccinos were creamy, and the tails were wagging - we even had a raffle for both the humans and the dogs! 💙
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa & enjoy some pictures of the lovely dogs we got to hang out with:

Meet the therapy dogs… Crumble, Tassels, Daisy-May, William...

...Ollie & Daisy!

The puppuccino’s were a hit! 😋
Check out our Tiktok to see more of the Dog Party 🐶:
How can you help?
The easiest way to support 'Therapy Dogs Nationwide' is to help spread the word by sharing posts on social media, join in one of our Dog Tea Parties or Therapy Dog Awareness Days, donate money to the charity, or volunteer yourself and/or your dog with TDN!