Whole Lotta Love Tea Latte January 30, 2022Neve Reynolds2 comments Heart-melting, pink-brewing rainbow candy tea latte! Do we need to say anymore? We've got a Whole Lotta Love for this new, caffeine-free spin on our famous Love Potion blend...the same...
Spiced Pumpkin Pie Chai Cake Recipe October 15, 2021Sophie Spray The Autumn season has officially begun & Bake Off is back on the telly, so we've put our fan favourite Spiced Pumpkin Pie back on the shelves. Learn below how...
Violet Cream Latte Recipe September 20, 2021Neve Reynolds Creamy, floral and a dream to have. Turn this beauTEAful blend into a one of a kind latte right in your own home with our recipe below. We promise you...
Vampires Blood Cocktail September 16, 2021Neve Reynolds Teabirds, you know us, we love a good recipe and we have a refreshing one for you to try! Our eerie, irresistible rose, cardamom and cinnamon blend Campfires and Vampires...
Cold Brew Cocktails x Cooper King Distillery July 15, 2021Sophie Spray Cold brewing is a TEAriffic way of infusing tea into your favourite tipples! We've partnered up with Cooper King Distillery to bring you some fabulous summertime sippin' cold brew cocktails to...
Easy Cold Brew Tea Recipes June 18, 2021Holly Ingham This is for you Teabirds that want those chilled summer vibes without the brainfreeze (although we can’t say it won’t blow your mind with how delicious they taste!) Yep that’s we want to...
How To Make Tea Infused Cocktails June 10, 2021Sophie Spray Have you ever wondered how you can infuse tea into your drinks cupboard? The humble tea blend can do so many things! From tea infused rums, gins, vodkas &...
Candy Floss Cold Brew Cocktail June 10, 2021Neve Reynolds Candy Floss tea, the perfect nostalgic trip back to your childhood. We've brought this fan fave back as part of our Vote Back Collection & Brewbird Becky has given it...
How to make our fave in-store drinks at home! June 09, 2021Holly Ingham Our in store Bird & Blend iced drinks are a huge hit with our communiTEA that’s for sure (thank you, thank you!). We LOVE to excite and let loose on...
RoyalTEA, a 'Vicky's Sponge Cake'... Cake. June 02, 2021Sophie Spray Brewbird Veronika’s favourite B&B blend is Vicky’s Sponge Cake and for months she dreamed of making the perfect cake. So for her birthday, she made a ‘Vicky’s Sponge Cake…...
Apple & Raspberry Jam Tarts | Bake with Tea! April 29, 2021Georgina Webb This delicious Apple Strudel recipe tastes amazing with raspberry, it's a great combo! It can also be made with any other tea blends, give it a try & let us know what you make....
BLUEBERRY PEACH MUFFINS | Bake with Tea! April 29, 2021Georgina Webb This delicious Blueberry & Peach recipe tastes amazing with the mulberry mix, it's a great combo! It can also be made with any other tea blends, give it a try & let us know...