What is ChariTEA?
We choose a new ChariTEA (Charity - see what we did there!) every quarter which is close to our hearts. The ChariTEA is nominated by one of our Teabirds, they then choose a tea blend that reflects them or what they support and we donate the profits of the blend to their wonderful cause!
During January 2022 - March 2022 our chosen ChariTEA waa Something To Look Forward To - a family founded cancer charity providing gifts and experiences to people affected by cancer and their families. In total we raised £6,318.50!
The tea they have chose was Peach Cobbler. So every penny of profit from this blend from January to March was donated to supporting the running of this amazing organisation! If you brought Peach Cobbler online or in store this quarter, you can enjoy your brew knowing you're doing good too!
How did Something to Look Forward To become our ChariTEA of the Quarter?
Our Teabird Nicola nominated the charity and here is what she has to say about why she is so passionate about supporting them:

"I became aware of Something To Look Forward To several years ago and was immediately taken with the drive and passion behind their aim of delivering uplifting gifts to those affected by cancer. It struck me that it can be the little treats which make a huge difference to lives impacted by cancer and therefore I am delighted to nominate this fantastic charity, supporting them in their essential work."
Who are Something To Look Forward To?
Based on one family’s personal experience of cancer, ‘Something To Look Forward To’ was founded in 2015 by Fiona Coldron and her husband Andy. Following Fiona’s breast cancer diagnosis when small treats such as a meal out, a stay in a hotel and a day out with the family was something that gave them both...something to look forward to; helping to cope with the relentless slog of hospital visits, treatment, and the emotional and physical demands of the illness.

Fiona’s drive to help other people in a similar situation saw the charity go from strength to strength from providing a local, regional, and now national service helping those affected by cancer and their families at a time it’s needed most. This desire to support has also been fuelled to help those affected financially by cancer, where work has been disrupted because of their illness and where they are unable to help ease the pain of the cancer journey. This is known as ‘cancer poverty’.
Fiona sadly passed away in February 2021 and her daughter Francesca now spearheads the charity continuing her mother’s legacy.
After initially starting in a bedroom the charity continues its family value ethos but has now has its own office in Cambridge, with a team of five made up of Andy – Co-Founder; Francesca - Managing Director; Emily - Fundraising Manager; Molly - Projects Co-ordinator; Holly - Relationship Executive and Wilf (and friends) the office dogs!

What They Do and How They Do It
The charity’s aims are to promote the wellbeing, relieve the stress and aid recuperation of those who are experiencing the effects of cancer and it’s treatment, together with their family. In particular by the provision of positive individual and/or family experiences.

‘Something To Look Forward To’ provides a comprehensive website where people affected by cancer and their families can access a variety of free gifts generously donated by businesses and individuals. These include free breaks in holiday cottages, restaurant meals, family days out, hotel stays, theatre tickets, beauty products, essentials, and treats - the list continues to grow!
By accessing our service and benefiting from a gift or experience, those affected by cancer can focus on rest, recuperation, wellbeing, and positive memory building. We focus on researching, identifying, and building lasting relationships with individuals and companies, then by distributing the gift or experience by matching them to those most in need. We support people nationwide with any type of cancer, our service is open to anyone from the point of diagnosis up to one year after active treatment or to those with a secondary or terminal diagnosis.

Although cancer is a physical disease, like most illnesses it affects people in so many ways. A sense of wellbeing enables people affected by cancer during and after treatment to lead as normal and active life as possible and it is an integral part of the cancer pathway. It is essential that wellbeing support is available to families and carers also. The support by Something To Look Forward To has shown an average increase of wellbeing of 126%.
How are we supporting them?
We are thrilled to be working with Something To Look Forward To through a range of different activities over the quarter.
STLFT did an Instagram takeover on World Cancer Day (4th February) and used our platform to help give support and advice to anyone who may need it. We will also hosted Tea Mornings in our stores on this date to raise additional funds for their cause.
We have donated 20 Tea Blending & Tasting Workshop places to their website which will help to bring a smile to those in need of a treat. Our Warehouse Team also donated any teas with a short shelf life (that we are unable to sell but are still fit for making a tasty cuppa) to be added to their wellness boxes.
In January we encouraged our staff and customers to donate any unwanted Christmas Gifts to them to add to the list of gifts that can be claimed on their website - if it is unopened they can put it to good use!
How can you help?
The easiest way to support STLFT is to help spread the word by sharing posts in social media, get involved in the Christmas Unwanted Gift campaign, donate money, gifts or experiences or organise your own fundraiser.
If you know someone that you would like to receive a gift or experience then you can register and nominate them here.